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You can leave us feedback via the settings menu in the app. Any feedback is appreciated!

Restart. We get a bug report. Let us know if it happens frequently.

A trip could be missing from your trip history for two reasons: It hasn’t been uploaded yet. The tracking data is calculated and uploaded at the end of your recorded trip. Depending on the duration of your trip, this might take a while. Check again later. If the trip is still missing the next day, something is amiss. Please get in touch and let us know.

Yes. This is the only way to determine if a future EV could cover all of your activities and provide an accurate recommendation. The app doesn’t differentiate between private and business trips, so please start recording every time you drive.

Other persons can also download the app. If they want to use the same car they have to select it. If they do so the car will be unselected in your app, so once you take the car over again, you would need to select the car in your app again before driving.

If the other person is connected to the beacon, this person is also able to track trips with their app. Those trips won’t be visible for you and also your taken trips are not visible for other drivers.

After each trip, the app shows you if you could have covered this trip with an EV. Switch to the trip history to view all your recorded trips, their potential for electrification, and how much CO2 you could have saved if you had made the trip with an EV.

Your company representative only receives information about trip length: mileage and duration.

We only use the collected data to calculate the trip length and CO2 emissions. We store this information to complete the analysis and visualize the accumulated information.

MOBILE APP The PANION app collects GPS coordinates and gyroscope and accelerometer data, which it uses to calculate the distance and duration of your trip. The app can only collect data when you turn it on and start recording a trip.

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